National Programmatic Thrusts and Projects
TLOD is a non-profit, humanitarian service organization which has five major program thrusts and many ongoing projects. The programs include: Improving the Status of Women, Community Beautification, Community Partnerships, Enhancing the lives of Senior Citizens and Top Teens of America (TTA).
TLOD is a non-profit, humanitarian service organization which has five major program thrusts and many ongoing projects. The programs include: Improving the Status of Women, Community Beautification, Community Partnerships, Enhancing the lives of Senior Citizens and Top Teens of America (TTA).
Top Teens of America (TTA)
Top Teens of America provides opportunities for wholesome development of youth through activities that will enhance educational, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic development. Community Service is the Goal of the Program and the purpose is as follows:
*Encourage appreciation for ethnic and cultural heritage
*Develop pride itself, home and community
*Encourage participation in workshops which address current trends
*Develop social graces, leadership and fellowship abilities
*Work collaboratively with other organizations to reach mutual goals
*Encourage high academic scholarship
*Develop deep concerns for senior citizens status of women, community beautification and community partnerships
Senior Citizens
The focus of this thrust shall be to enrich the lives of senior citizens by enabling them to continue to be an integral part of their community while keeping their dignity and sense of well being. The signature program of this Thrust shall be “We Care,” an initiative that will impact seniors who live in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. This program will assist and enrich seniors in the following areas:
*Safety in the home and community
*Safety in the home and community
*Social activities
*Health information and screenings
*Retirement and Planning
*Computer and Internet Training
*Monitoring and advocating of legislation which affects their livelihood
Status of Women
The focus of this thrust shall be to empower women and teens to improve their economic condition through gainful and successful employment. The signature program of this Thrust shall be “Back-to-Work,” an initiative that will impact women in the community who have been downsized, underemployed or forced to rejoin the workforce and impact Teen unemployment through effective job preparation for entry level jobs. Another focus of this thrust is "I Will Survive" brings awareness to our communities regarding the devastating impact that breast cancer has on African American women. Overall the goal of this thrust is to Enhances the status of women by helping to identify ways of utilizing the time, talents, skills and total resources of women. This program will assist in:
*Preparing the job seeker for the job market
*Providing venues for job seekers to acquire new skills
*Selecting and providing appropriate attire
*Assisting with interview preparation, resume writing, etc.
*Workplace Etiquette
*Promoting self-worth and self-esteem
*Continuing Education
Community Partnerships
This thrust strives to create structure for the formation of community partnerships that simultaneously meet the goals of Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated by ensuring excellence, flexibility and accountability by engaging in mutually collaborative arrangements with corporate sponsors, governmental entities and other community organizations in addressing issues of concerns for youth and adults. The signature program of this thrust is “Joining Forces,” an initiative that will impact residents by providing enhanced services to our communities through the formed partnerships. The focus of this thrust is to build relationships with corporate, local, state and national partners to expand TLOD's reach and maximize the range of service to the communities we serve.
Community Beautification
The focus of this thrust shall be to maintain and enhance the communities in which we live through beautification, green living, sustainability, and the fostering of an eco-friendly lifestyle. The signature program of this thrust shall be “America the Beautiful,” an initiative that will impact residents of our communities by providing them with awareness and education of a simpler, healthier, and earth friendly lifestyle. Some examples include, but is not limited to the following:
*Planting and Maintaining Community Gardens; Planting Trees and Shrubs
*Graffiti Removal, Community Clean-up
*Recycling/Repurposing Projects
Top Ladies of Distinction also partners with; the National Association of Colored People (NAACP), the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation, and March of Dimes. TLOD also focuses on scholarships, awards and literacy to enhance the lives of youth and adults.
Encourage chapters to actively participate in and promote literacy through economics, education and technology.
Sickle Cell Disease Awareness
Increase awareness of the impact of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and the importance of increasing financial support to find a cure while improving the quality of health and services for individuals and families affected by sickle cell disease.
United Negro College Fund
Support UNCF by promoting the importance of attending UNCF and HBCU institutions, donating funds, awarding scholarships, and assisting our youth in applying, attending, and graduating from college.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
To assist and support the NAACP’s mission by advocating its causes through education and action.
National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)
To assist the NCNW with its mission to lead, develop, and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities.